15 Great Strategies for Becoming Happier and More Productive

Do you tend to ruminate or obsess? Worry about things beyond your control? Dwell on the negative? Constantly consult your mental To-Do List? If so, you’re like many people I know. This article is a must-read for all of us. The research is clear: Uncluttering our minds frees them up to focus on the present, which makes us happier and more productive.

These 15 strategies are sensible and effective. Who wouldn’t benefit from getting more sleep, meditating, journaling, prioritizing, doing only one thing at a time, being more decisive, challenging negative thinking, experiencing nature, getting social support, unplugging, exercising, and taking breaks? In my experience, using even one or two of these suggestions can greatly improve our clarity, purpose, and sense of personal agency. Perhaps try one or two each week and see what resonates most with you.

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Do you have a cluttered mind? Dr. Roni Cohen-Sandler offers 15 strategies for dealing with this