How to Use Empathy to Promote Responsible Media Use

When teens and tweens are overusing screens—or, more worrisome, displaying poor judgment online—fears of dire consequences usually prompt exasperated parents to ask, “Why are you always on your screens?” This is most often a conversational non-starter. In fact, the question frequently backfires because teens and tweens hear it as accusatory or critical. If they respond angrily or defensively, the hope of having a constructive dialogue is instantly extinguished.

It is no wonder that parents struggle to deal with issues of responsible media consumption. Because most mothers and fathers of teens today grew up without smartphones and hung out with friends at local malls, managing social media is new territory for all. In fact, many parents rely on digitally savvier kids to help them keep up with new technology. Nevertheless, it is still up to adults to teach young people to use social media appropriately and responsibly.

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